Data Automation for Energy Management

Access Energy Usage Directly From Providers

A toolbox full of possibilities

Designed for global accessibility, connects to over 3,000 electricity, gas and water sources in over 30 countries.

Use our intuitive user-consent driven flow to connect instantly to end-user permission data once or on an on-demand basis within your app. Get insightful data endpoints needed to efficiently monitor granular energy consumption across all your sites.
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FEATURE data type

Automate energy data capture from multiple sources.

Designed for global accessibility, automate invoice collection and energy data capture from 3,000 sources across 3 types in more than 30 countries.


Access detailed usage, meter data and tarifs from electricity providers. See More


Access detailed consumption and tarifs from gas providers. See More


Access detailed water, sewer and irrigation usage data. See More

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Enhance your Energy Management

Datadeck is simply the easiest and safest way to take your energy data monitoring to the next level. We provide everything from no-code user experiences to developer-friendly tools to build seamless data integrations with existing platforms.

Speed up internal adoption with a truly intuitive user experience, flexible ‘pay-as-you-go’ plans, and competitive, usage-based pricing – a cost-effective alternative to other options. Built for quick proof-of-value and comprehensive options to scale over time.
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Exploring Alternative data options to streamline your energy management?

Our expert team is here to assist in identifying the perfect fit for your needs. Complete the inquiry form, and we’ll promptly reach out to discuss best practices.