Our Mission Statement

It takes Alternatives to Create Possibilities

Today data is everything and everywhere. From open banking to massive enterprise data lakes, to interconnected systems, mature data infrastructure is already the backbone of most businesses.

We believe that tomorrow’s possibilities will be created by businesses leveraging alternative data.
These pioneers will embed alternatives to drive innovative products and services and will provide them a step ahead of competitors and customers expectations.  

The array of possibilities is wide and the impacts are predominant with global emerging needs. From enabling Fintechs to service underbanked individuals, to helping companies transition to more efficient and renewable energy to optimizing positive cashflow management.  

Although we are not first to market, our team has identified through real life experience business critical gaps from incumbent players. We’re confident in our ability to deliver a new type of data connectivity experience built on our team’s learning of building world-class products, well over 15,000 connections in similar space and building our solution on top of the latest AI stack to scale faster.

It’s all about purpose. Here’s what drives our product vision

Global Accessibility

For us, accessibility signifies a product that's not just cost-effective but also resonates with the value it delivers. Our solutions are designed to be 2x more affordable than our competitors, with flexible pricing models that don't tie you down with extensive commitments. We're committed to crafting products that are not just innovative but also attuned to real-world applications and simplicity.

Smooth Experiences

Whether you're navigating through our flexible API toolkit or our comprehensive no-code platform, we've got your needs covered. Experience the ease of building with our pristine documentation and a free-to-use sandbox environment. Our customizable connection widget is fine-tuned for optimal user engagement and conversion.

Customer lead - product driven

Our solution is engineered for exponential scalability, powered by AI and adaptable infrastructure. Already encompassing over 3,000 providers, we continue to work hand-in-hand with our clients, unlocking new data sources and coverage to bolster their business.

Quality over quantity

We provide alternative data that power core-to-business use cases that can have a major impact on a customer's commercial success. For us, data connectivity is about real-time access, effortless connections, and unwavering trust in the data you receive.

Join us as we venture into this exciting new era, where alternative data isn’t just an option – it’s the pathway to a world with possibilities.

Let's Talk