Connect to Freelancer data

Access users Income and employment data

Instantly source and capture freelancers data hidden in global freelancing platforms.

Supporting connectivity to global freelance platforms
Credit card mockups

Get Account Details

Capture essential customer and account details for streamlined onboarding and account validation.

Get Income Details

Access income and employment data for both historical job activities and ongoing projects.

Get Job Activity Data

Obtain a granular breakdown of activity data by freelance projects.

End-User Permission Freelance Data Connectivity

Connect to end-users' Freelancer Data

Deck Link makes it easy for users to connect Freelance or other gig economy accounts securely and quickly. Turn valuable employment data into actionable insights that drive conversions and deliver winning digital experiences.

Top freelance sources supported and growing

Embed Link into your app

Global coverage

Credit Risk

Approve more borrowers, identify fraud and make better decisions

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Insurance Quotes

Swiftly approve applications using reliable information

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Worker Benefits

Provide the ideal benefits package using detailed Freelancer employment data

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Identity Verification

Approve more borrowers, identify fraud and make better decisions

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Account information to switch provider and platforms.

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Simplify freelancer tax returns and financial records management.

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Contact us

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Contact our sales team today and find out how to to get the most of Deck platform.

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